Monday, February 29, 2016

My Path

Nov 8, 2015

Daughter, it is My path that I lay out before you, take time in My Word and continue to walk before Me... I have shown you some of My rewards for those who choose to follow Me closely...
Some of the truths I have shown you are only a small part of what I have in store for your obedience to Me... You must continue to press into Me and walk with Me and I will show you My ways...
There are times when I choose to speak to you and your mind is busy, find the quietness of My Spirit and rest... wait and you will hear Me more clearly... I am with you... I am teaching you, teaching you ways to overcome the weakness in your flesh... stay close, I will protect you... In your weakness I produce strength, trust and patience... You must pour out your heart to Me and wait for My refinement of My Spirit... Refinement produces pureness of the heart ... I love you My daughter, I have you in My hand, I cover you with the wings of My protection... You ask Me questions, I will show you the answers in My time... You must trust Me, for it is Me that you have a foundation in which to go forward... Rest in Me daughter, you have just begun to see My hand move in the journey I have for you.

Thank You Yeshua for this Word.

2 Corinthians 12:9/10